Events at The Retreat House
Silent retreats are a time to engage in the practice of silence alongside others. During this time you can journal, pray, walk the grounds, read, rest, or really do whatever you feel like your heart and soul need.
We will begin the time at 9:30 with a teaching and a guide to help lead you into the silence. The half day retreats create space to be with God and with yourself among others.
Coffee, tea, and light snacks will be available. We will close out the silence at 12:30 with a time for sharing, and we will enjoy lunch together from 1:00-1:30.

Wintering Retreat
"I recognized winter. I saw it coming (a mile off, since you ask), and I looked it in the eye. I greeted it and let it in...when I started feeling the drag of winter; I began to treat myself like a favored child: with kindness and love. I assumed my needs were reasonable and that my feelings were signals of something important."
-Katherine May from her book Wintering
The earth reminds us that there is a time for rest, hibernation, and letting the roots go deep. We can sync up with the season of winter all around us by practicing slowing down, stillness, rest, and reflection.
This retreat is self-guided, which allows you the flexibility to come by The Retreat House to participate at a time that is best for you. We will have prompts set up indoors and out that invite your soul to embrace the gifts of this time of year.
We will be open from 10:00-4:00, and the grounds will be quiet and ready. How much time you spend is up to you.
There is not a meal for this retreat, but we will have coffee, tea, and snacks available.
Saturday, February 15th 10:00am-4:00pm
The Retreat House
10981 Macon Road Eads, TN 38028
Lent Retreat
Lent is a season of subtraction in preparation for Easter. We are invited to companion Jesus as He journeys to the cross. We get the chance to be a friend to him in his suffering, prayerfully enter the depths of his surrender, and open our hearts to a deeper personal surrender to God.
Led by spiritual director, Allison Bradsher, you will be invited to notice how God might be inviting you in a unique way to make space this season.
Each participant will receive the book Small Surrenders by Emilie Griffin, which is a resource of devotional writings for each day of Lent beginning with Ash Wednesday. At the retreat, there will be a time of teaching and discussion as we dive into the Lenten season together.
Lunch will be provided at 12:30 upon arrival.
There are 18 spots for this retreat, first come first served.
Sunday, March 2nd 12:30pm-5:30pm
The Retreat House
10981 Macon Road Eads, TN 38028

Open Hours
Looking for a quiet space to read or walk or journal? Open hours are set days and times when we brew the coffee, light the fires, and open The Retreat House doors for drops-ins!
No need to register. When you arrive, enter through the main doors facing the lake.
Friday, January 17th​
Wednesday, February 5th
Monday, February 24th

"Moving in silence and solitude allowed me to hear my breath, listen more intently to God's word and know that He will never leave me. I'm human and sometimes my nerves and fears get the best of me, but this retreat allowed me to put the focus back on The Lord."